Saturday, June 18, 2011

new changes.

So I've been failing to update this thing. Seems like my life just got way to chaotic. I decided to go to summer school. and not only did I take a summer class so it was compact-I picked a subject that I'm not super good at to begin with, Biology. UGH. worst mistake ever. I'm required to study 4 chapters a week and since I don't have a strong backround in chemistry I am def behind. It sucks. I keep studying my ass off and get 60's on exams. Like seriously? Oh well. As long as I get a C and pass the class I'll be happy. I'm really starting to think I want to go to a trade school. The only thing standing in my way is that I need a daycare to watch Autumn. I could attend Phoenix College but 1. it's super far away from where and I live and 2. I don't know if I can really trust the daycare workers. It's the mom in me. I've become 20 times more paranoid now than I ever was before. I'm kind of throwing myself into school instead of trying to find a new job. Without bettering my education I'm not going to get anywhere. Every time I go in for an interview I'm going against 40 year olds who have degrees and have had salary paying jobs. If I don't continue school I'll be working at Sprouts for the rest of my life and that WILL NOT be happening. So for right now I need to suck it up and continue to do my job. It's easy. I could do it in my sleep. & they are willing to work with my school hours. So I don't have much to complain about if I focus on the positives. (I have to repeat in my head "YOU WONT BE HERE FOREVER" in order to even make it through the workday). Everything else seems to not be my main focus at the moment. It's probably better that way because I don't need any added stress.

I want my own house. so bad I could probably be titled insane. I've been looking at houses for rent around the area and the prices arn't bad I just need a roomate. So I'm in the process of finding someone I can trust and can depend on to pay their share of the bills. Autumn is getting so big now she needs more room and apartment living isn't really going to do it. What we would be paying for a house we would be paying for an apartment and i'd MUCH rather pay for a house. My dad doesn't seem to think we could handle a house but I want to prove him wrong. we can :)

I can't believe Autumn is going to be 7 months already. Our birthdays are coming up so fast I can't even believe my own eyes. June is almost over?! What the heck man! I know I'm not living the life of a normal 21 year old but does anyone else feel like time is flying by now that we've reached this mark in our lives?!

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