Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Like honestly when did everyone I know become SO fake? Has it always been like this and I've just never noticed? It's disgusting how these people I've known forever seem to fall right into the drama game. I hate that game and I refuse to be in it anymore. It just frustrates me that everyone lately seems to be pissing me off except Autumn. Like is everyone going to always let me down? Why do I put so much effort into people to only get shit on? & you expect me to still be here? hahahaha you're fucking crazy.

I'm not in highschool anymore and I don't like any of the drama that came with it. Why can't we all be grown fucking adults? Oh yeah because YOU CANT FUCKING GROW UP. Life sucks, shit happens but dont fucking rewind your LIFE. because thats exactly what your doing. I'm noticing I'm not the only one afraid of change, that a lot of people actually are..the thing is I'm finally doing something about it and dealing with it-so why does it seem like other people cant?? Is it because they're not mature enough yet? Or they just don't want too? Grow the fuck up.We've all had to do it at on point or another. If you dont want to grow up? Well sucks for you than because I wont let myself be around people like you

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